Thursday, September 08, 2011

Hoodrats: Beverly Hills

When my neighbor suggests I go fuck a bunch of hoodrats to get back on the horse, I had no idea they came in trust fund flavor. I thought they only came in Herpes, methhead and "ima cut you."
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Wednesday, September 07, 2011

KMA, "Patriot Day"

First amendment, bitches

Fredo's Dilemma

Roll in the 38 year old pimpmobile, or rock the creeper van?
A:  Neither, because he doesn't have the cash for gas, let alone a car.

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Monday, September 05, 2011

What's the first thing

a crack whore does in the morning? Same as a sorority girl or a Vegas hooker - walks home (or to Fredo's place)
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Karma: Asleep on the Job

Mr. "this call to my wife reminding me to buy depends is more important than the fact I am holding a detonator next to my head" Volvo driver needs a reminder of who is in control at the pump
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Time to call a cab, Fredo

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Just shoot me

Fuck. Tell me there aren't 9 more of these fuckers prowling around
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You dropped something

Better bend over and pick it up. Yeah, over this way.
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8 Barrel

At least it's got its hubcaps and the wheels aren't on fire...
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Kid Rock

Chillin in Phoenix; saving up for that next tour
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